
Question: Angela Hanscomb, the author of Balanced and Barefoot: Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children, asked the audience, “What is a child’s occupation?” (What would be your answer?)

As a mother, my answer to this is to have fun! To be free. To allow your kids to have an exploratory, creative, and active time. I am a more free-spirited mother, some would say: “Bubble mom” would not describe me. I have four boys, so I am not sure I have a choice! They run, play, fight, are constantly getting small hurts because I allow them to take all the risks I can, and let them run wild in our little suburban-country life. However, in daily life (school year), I run a pretty tight ship, and I forget to let them have fun, play, get super dirty at times, or allow them AMPLE time just to be kids. As a family, we have done a pretty good job not allowing game consoles in our home or much technology at all, so they get outside more than most, but it is still not enough. They play sports and go to music lessons—do all the things—but that sadly is still not enough. But I do know that when they have the opportunity to help me build these Drive and Discover trips, or do the trial runs with me, they have the time of their lives and learn so much. Heck, they usually are teaching me at this point, reminding ME how important Drive and Discover is and what we are trying to do for others! 

As a community citizen, a person who loves all people and wants to see them healthy and happy, I know these trips will benefit not only children but also adults of all ages. When we look at how much we sit as a population and how much time we are on devices, we are no better off than children. We are worse! I know I sit in this chair I am currently sitting in, inside, for 4-6 hours a day, then I run the “mom-taxi” (where I am sitting), to then sitting at whatever activities I am running the kids. Sit, sit, sit. I work out most days… inside. I know that as adults, we need these trips as much as our children or grandchildren.

Although you are getting in the car (to sit again) for a road trip, these trips provide stops every 30 minutes to get out in nature. To walk and run. To hike. To breathe the fresh air. To swing and climb in the trees. To hear the birds singing to each other, or a river rushing downstream. To touch the dirt looking for unknown treasure or to feel a smooth fossil created millions of years ago. These stops will fire off all your senses, igniting your brain and body, creating change in your senses, which we, as adults and children, are generally not doing. 

I know Drive and Discover is not for everyone. I know some people just want to fly somewhere and enjoy a cocktail on the beach while their children play in the sand—and there is nothing wrong with that kind of vacation. BUT I can tell you, as a mother, teacher, and researcher, this trip would not only benefit everyone’s physical and mental health but also give you quality time to engage and explore this earth together, or alone. In addition, this trip will inspire education and the acquisition of knowledge on dozens of different topics. 

The research is out there. The books have been written. People are pushing for changes in the schools. But you can make a small change in your life or for your family, for a short time, by just traveling down these roads together! Give it a try… you will feel better for it, I promise. 

Answer: I was dumbfounded and did not come up with a response to the question Mrs. Hanscom asked in time. What is the occupation of a child? It is to play. That is their job. That is how their brain develops, how they learn, and what they enjoy. Is your child doing this enough? Could this trip give you time to let everyone in the car do this? (Yes! That is the answer:))

Great resources to explore more:

Angel Hanscom: Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children

Richard Louv: The Last Child in the Woods


Timbernook Camps: https://www.timbernook.com/about-timbernook-sensational-outdoor-play-experiences/

Children in Nature: https://www.childrenandnature.org

Texas Children in Nature: https://www.texaschildreninnature.org
